A-Z PE Challenge Day 1 (A)

A Not So Jaded Life


I don’t know too much about her.  I just learned today that she has a 2 year old daughter.

About: she writes -I am me, nothing more and nothing else-

^^^I feel quite similar about myself

-Taking life one word at a time-

In the beginning was the word right?  If you know the bible, you have probably heard this before.  I’m pretty sure though that certain cognitive functions of the mind had to develop first but don’t quote me on this.

She is writing a book, and she has a dog.  A border collie to be more specific.  She used different words to describe her dog, but what her dog is actually is an AW like all dogs and most people (Attention Whore).  Our dog earned the name AW after his first 5 minutes with us.

One of my favorite parts of her blog is the -one word story-

She just posts one word, and people respond.  Less is more, but minds don’t need very much to burst into imagination.

Apparently she isn’t so jaded.  I suspect that this may be a bit of a sarcasm.  You need a very healthy dose of jade to survive this world.

She lives in the land down undaaa!  (Melbourne, Australia)

She likes posting quotes.

I like reading those quotes.

She is 5′ 4″, 26 years old and eats like 3 obese men (she said it not me)

I do not know her name.

A Not So Jaded Life, thanks for creating and sharing, there are many (me included) who enjoy your -work, output, creation, writing, musings, sarcasm, rants, vulnerability-


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